Sunday 31 July 2011

Random musings....

2 years ago, if someone asked me about whether I watched sex and the city, my answer would be 'No'. I simply don't understand what is this hype about at all and why so many women are crazy about it. To me, it's just a bunch of unattractive old women acting on the show....sorry but that's what I thought back then. But now, I can totally understand it at last. It had taken me a few years of marriage life and hitting the thirties to realize that my life had many things in common with the show, like the pressures women faced in the society about life, love and marriage. It's like when I was watching the show, I would feel 'Yes, that's exactly how I feel too!' For example like yesterday when I was watching a repeat telecast of sex and the city 2, there was a scene where SJP was unhappy that Mr Big was spending too much time lazing on the couch watching tv instead of going out with her. This immediately reminds me of my own situation where somebody in the house practically had the couch glued to his butt and the tv stuck on his eyes like 24/7. It's like the couch is his second home where he eats, sleeps, plays games, watches tv etc. I really wonder what is this thing with men and their couch & tv? Maybe that's why it's called man couch and why the ottoman is called ottoMAN...


  1. I felt that it was one of the longest chick flick I was forced to watch with my girlfriend and unfortunately for me, she enjoyed it tremendously. I guess most guys in our line are as guilty as Mr Big since we have long crappy working hours and just want to switch off our brains after work and during the weekends. Therefore, this hatred for our sloth-like behaviour should be directed at our bosses instead!

  2. Guess this is another example of why men are from Mars and women from Venus issue again. For me, after a long sucking day at work, what I want to do is just spend time with the ones I love to recharge myself instead of zoning out in front of the tv...
