Saturday 2 July 2011

Its finally July.....

Yeah...its finally July. 3 more months to my US trip, haha....It always feel good to know another month had passed and I managed to survive another month here.
I had a great time on Friday at the shooting range. Its my first time holding a gun and firing it. The feeling is awesome! Even though its kindda expensive but its great therapy.
 Interior of the shooting range

The guys were there before us.

 The weapons we used that day, a piston, a rifle and a uzi.
 We bought at least a hundred rounds of bullets that day and they were gone in a flash.

 The guys were having fun.

Hubby playing with his rife. 

 This is Ming Teck aka Ah Teck the diamond bachelor.  A quiet nice guy, no gf at the moment. So gals, there are still good eligible guys out there in their thirties who are not dead, perverted, married or divorced ok.

 My first time holding a gun. I was bit nervous coz I dont know how strong the rebound is going to be. Not too bad, and after a few shots, I start to enjoy it.

Trying out the uzi gun. Its quite heavy.

Everyone posing with the guns. I like the piston best of all coz its the lightest.

Shooting turned out to be quite a strenuous exercise and we were all famished. Had lunch at IDI. The fish was half baked and half fried. It was yummy!

We all felt it was fun and would like to come back and shot next time but will bring a target pic or something to aim and shot at, more fun that way. Think the guys would like to put WH's pic out to shot, hehee.. for me, I would put hubby's face. Haha...

I am now waiting for 4 more fabric shipments to come, 1 from Taiwan, 2 from US and 1 from Japan. Hope there will be something in the mail tomorrow.....

 My latest haul from pissott shop ( They have some new plaids fabrics which is so nice looking. Had a hard time chosing what colours to buy, and in the end, I got myself the yellow and green plaids. Also got myself some beige linen cloth and grey strips fabric. In additon, I also bought the stop fraying fabric glue (works really well), some velcro and some zippers. Nurit then asked me whether I want a recipe so I can reimbursed for the cost. She said she knew some PRC wives from the China embassy who came to her shop to buy stuffs and they asked her for receipt so they can reimbursed for their purchase. They also have chauffeur to drive them around for their outings or gatherings and she was suggesting me to get to know them since I had no friends here. I was like, @#$! PRC wives are having a better time than SG wives here! This is such a disgrace that I dont even felt like talking about it.

 My latest project, a pouch for my sunglasses. Actually, I want to make it a drawstring but dont know why, when I turned it inside out, it did not appear the way I wanted. So, I added a strap with velcro on top.

Interior lining of the pouch.
The more I looked at the fabric of the pouch (the brown outer piece), the more I like it. At first when I first saw it, it looked kindda old looking (coz its brownish and rough). Its a cotton linen blend type of fabric. I should have buy more, regretting it now coz the website ( which I bought from, dont have it anymore! Arghh.....Anyway, I have been looking for this type of fabric on etsy (, where I bought most of my fabric supplies from and found a seller who have something similar to what I wanted. She had help me reserved them but I dont want to pay yet coz I still have 4 shipments that haven come yet and I dont want to keep buying until I received something. So, hopefully there will be something for me in the mail tomorrow so I can justify myself to buy it from her....haha....

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