Tuesday 5 July 2011

BBQ birthday celebration

Tried calling the number for my package many times but could not get through, finally hubby managed to help me get through the line and asked the fella to deliver the package tomorrow. So troublesome....I don't even have the confidence now to buy more stuffs online until all my shipments have arrived. Buying things on etsy is really addictive. It's so hard stopping myself from buying stuffs...haha..
Started a new sewing project last night and completed sewing it today. By the way, all my projects so far were sewn by hand coz I don't have a sewing machine. Not that I mind, coz I quite enjoy the process of sewing by hand. Since I have so much time on hand here, I don't mind making stuffs stitch by stitch, making the line straight and neat kindda have a calming effect on me. It was quite hard at first coz I was very slow and my stitches were messy but now, I am able to sew in a straight line without much effort. I like making things by hand :) It gives my mind something to focus on instead of thinking crazy thoughts. Yah, its a good way to keep my mind sane in this place...sighz....

The Voodoo doll project. Firstly, cut the shape out using my gingerbread man plush toy as the outline. Sew all around leaving the top open.

 Turn the doll inside out and sew the eyes on.

 Stuff the doll using the stuffings from a old pillow (Its a pillow I got from the airplane)

 Sew the hair on and its completed! Ta-da, a creepy voodoo doll!

While looking for the BBQ tools last night, I came across the jailbird hat that I bought for Poochi a few years ago. Cant resist putting it on him, haha....he looked SO cute! He seemed ok with the hat now and doesnt try to shake it off as he used to be. This gives me a great idea to take pics of him in the various costume I bought for him when I was in the States. Will do a post of that next time. He had a hotdog costume, a bumblebee costume and a jailbird costume. Actually, I bought alot of clothes for Poochi when I was in the States coz its very cheap there! (compared to Singapore) But its hard to find clothes that fit him well coz of his broad neck. Either it fits his body well but too tight at the neck or too long for his body but ok around the neck.

Today for dinner, we had a BBQ at my house downstairs to celebrate Weizhong's birthday. Finally got the chance to use the BBQ pit we bought from US and brought it over here. As usual, the guys were late again and we started late, so by the time we get the fire going and started BBQing the food, its dark and there are no lights to see the food even though there is a lightpost in the pic next to the BBQ pit, its not working. Anyway, I went upstairs to get some candles and we had candle light BBQ in the dark.....

 Starting the fire proved to be difficult as the charcoals are not very flammable.

I made chicken satay, chicken wings and fried bee hoon and the guys brought prawns, eggplant and char siew. Wee hong made some 'gong hiang' also. His 'gong hiang' are very fat and meaty. We managed to finish all the food, one bottle of wine and half a packet of mashmallows. It was fun toasting the mashmallows. The weather was very nice as it was cool and breezy, only cons was that its too dark to see anything.
Oh dear, I havent study a single thing or do my homework for my hebrew class tomorrow! Somehow, I am very unmotivated to learn this language and its a torture trying to read those squizzly, curly alien hebrew letters which my brain simply refused to absorb in.

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