Friday 15 July 2011

A disastrous day with curry puffs.....

What a day..... *_*
Today is supposed to be curry puff making day at the guys' place. The last time I made it, it was a huge success and it tasted really like the curry puffs you would find at Old Chang Kee. So, we decided to make it again but this time with more people around to help out so we can make more. Somehow, something went wrong with the dough this time and we din make curry puff, instead it became curry pie.
I remembered I followed the recipe on this website the last time, the only difference was that I doubled the amount of flour and butter since we are making more this time round. So, after doing some calculations, it worked out to be about 900g of flour and 600g of butter. But in the end, I used less butter as the dough turned out to be very sticky when I rubbed the butter into the flour. Guess I was just too tired to do the rubbing in method on such big amount and it din turned out well. (I hate doing the rubbing in method most of all in baking) I started having a bad feeling about it when I was wrapping the stuffings and shaping the dough coz the feel was different. (The dough crumbles v easily)
 Hubby and Wee Hong started the ball rolling enthusiastically at first without knowing what lies ahead...

Managed to make some curry puffs but they were very soft, crumbly and had many little cracks.

 Weizhong's first attempt at making a puff. It was very difficult as the dough just refused to behave.

This was what happened when we tried to fry it. The whole curry puff just dissolved into a pile of mash potato. Its NOT supposed to be like this! I was horrified when I saw this and wondered, 'OMG, what went wrong?!'

Anyway, we decided to remake the dough again and Junwen was very nice as to went out and help buy some butter. But end up he mistakenly bought margaine instead of butter. Anyway, we just proceed since I dont think it will make much of a difference. He did quite a good job (considering its his first attempt) at rubbing the butter into the flour until it resembled fine bread crumbs like texture. While I left his to do his kneading, I stared at the crap dough I had made and wondered what should I do with it. End up, we decided to bake the puffs instead of frying it. It was successful, as it did not dissolved into a pile of mush like the last time. 

 The baked curry puffs. However, its still quite soft and crumbly and difficult to make as the crap dough simply cannot take any bending and folding without cracking up.

So, we decided to make it into a flying saucer shaped as it was much easier to make without cracking up and also easier to handle. From this point onwards, all sorts of shapes started coming up....

Like this heart shaped curry puff Weizhong made for his gf,

 And this doggy bone shaped curry puff,

 This was the 3D heart shaped curry puff made by Junwen for his gf,

Different shapes and sizes of puffs, and the one in the middle was a dino egg shaped curry puff...haha...

Junwen's successful attempt at making a proper curry puff using the crap dough, amazing!

In the end, although it did not turn out as expected, the guys seemed to have fun playing with the dough and making the pies. We made a lot of pies and its really very filling. I felt quite full after eating about 2-3 pies. Its considered dinner for us all. For me, I am very tired today. Cooking tired me out easily, such that I usually dont even have the appetite to eat after cooking.(unless the food is really good)

Good news for me today was that I received 3 shipment packages, one from Taiwan, one from US and one from Japan.
 My three packages.

The felt fabrics I bought from a Taiwanese etsy seller.

 The polypropylene webbing for making handle straps and slings.

I loved the fabric prints on the right. It had small purple flowers and resembled the lavender pillow I bought in Hokkaido at Farm Tomita. The other fabric had ladybirds and apple prints on it, so cute!

That's about all for today, except Poochi had been v beastly and peed 5 times, pooed 4 times today! Its amazing how this little dog who only eat once a day can pee and poo so much....Its like he is trying to attract your attention by giving you work to do. Sometimes, he will go and step on his potty and make sounds to lure me out of the bedroom (coz he knew I will surely come out of the room if he shit/poo) and when I come out, there is nothing on the potty at all and he will just give me that innocent silly look. sighz....

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