Sunday 17 July 2011

Why I hate summer.....

It's the start of the 1 week meeting for hubby and the guys at work so he will be late coming home for this week. His SG colleagues who came over for the meeting helped us to bring our food supplies from back home. This is our emergency food supplies, consisting of instant noodles, calbee snacks, canned luncheon meat, bak kwa, Tao pok etc, stuffs which can not be found here. It's therapy food....a sense of back home feeling when I saw all these, cheap stuffs that I took for granted before are like gold to me here now.
Been feeling very lethargic recently, think it must be the summer symptom. Makes me think of this song " wake me up when September ends" by Green Day. How I wish I can sleep and wake up when Sept ends! Coz by then, summer will be over and I will be preparing to fly over to the States.
Another thing I hate summer, besides the horrible humidity and the infernon hot temperature is the insect infestation. There are ants everywhere. Any food left outside will attract ants. We even discovered that the ants penetrate 3 layers of zipock bags to get to the 'hei bee' (dried shrimps) yesterday. The ants here LOVE 'hei bee' very much. I remembered I washed some 'hei bee' and left it near the sink to dry for a while before cooking and the next thing I know, it's covered with ants. Arghhh......I hate ants. Sometimes I even found ants on my clothes, on the bed, on Poochi's toys, etc. They are everywhere!!! :o
I finally cut and trim Poochi's nails today. He hates it and so do I. After cutting his nails, I noticed he started to stink so I had to bath him, which he also hates it, and so do I....
During the winter, I only need to bath him once in about 3 weeks, but now he needs a bath every week coz summer heat makes him stinky very fast. Guess he hates summer too.

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