Tuesday 19 July 2011

Someone in my house is a food hoarder.

It finally dawned on me that I have been living with a food hoarder. I know he likes to go supermarket and buy foodstuffs to fill up the cupboard and fridge but I just brush it aside as a cute hamster mentality all along. It just suddenly don't seem normal to me now when I opened the fridge and its packed full of foodstuff from top to bottom, including the freezer compartment when there are only 2 person in the house eating it (plus I don't eat much) and I only cook once a day. It's terrible to see good food go to a waste since most of them are perishable and also expensive. The cupboards are also full of food (dried or canned), and we have 3 full cupboards of food. He just like to surround himself with lots of food, coz it makes him happy. Whenever he is unhappy or stressed, he will go grocery shopping. Like today, I asked him to buy a cabbage and some mushroom. End up, he bought so many other stuffs, like 2 packets of tofu when there is already a packet in the fridge. Amazingly, he can still managed to squeeze all these food into the fridge, filling every single crevices and corners. Sometimes, I can't even find what I want in the fridge coz it's so packed and I can even find stuff I don't even know i have it inside. I think the fridge might broke down soon coz it's so heavily untilized. It's makes this creaking like sound like it's on the verge of bursting. I will try to clear as much food possible, like blending the watermelon with soyamilk later to clear some space, but I know he will immediately replenish when it's gone. He is good at sensing what food is finishing soon and he will replenish it the moment it is gone sometimes even before its gone.

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