Monday 11 July 2011

handmade hair clips

Last night, I had insomnia again probably due to sleeping too much in the daytime. I found that my brain is the most active during 12 midnite to 3am. During that period of time, I feel most alert and energized, so no matter how long I lie in bed, I can never go to sleep. In the end, I got up and start making something to take my mind off from thinking.

 I got the idea of making the hairclips from reading mairuru's blog. She is one of the nicest and  most amazing person I ever known and I love reading her blog. Its all thanks to internet that I know such people actually exist in this world. Sadly, she had not been updating her blog for quite some time as she recently just give birth to a cute baby girl and is probably busy taking care of her. Her baby girl is called Miyu and she looks so CUTE! Her mom made almost everything for her, from clothes to toys and even diapers! Such a lucky and blessed baby! Sighz....wish I had a mom like her.

Anyway, making the hairclips turned out to be quite fun. The hardest part was getting the correct size for the top piece of the clip. Its made using 2 pieces of fabric sewn together. The top piece was larger than the bottom piece and was wrapped tightly around the clip. It was done by sewing loosely around the edge of the fabric and then pulled so that it gathered and wrapped around the clip. The first time I tried, the fabric was cut too small and cant wrapped well and the second time I tried, it was too big. Finally got the size right on the third try though.
For dinner today, I cooked oyako-don. I brought the sauce from Singapore, so its actually quite easy to cook. Took about half an hour to prepare. Nice and filling. I was so full that I fell asleep after eating. Guess I dont need to sleep again tonight.....

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