Wednesday 13 July 2011

"Orchard Road" of Israel

Today, after Hebrew class, we all went to Tel Aviv where there is this place known as "Orchard Road' as its supposed to have a lot of high end fashion shops like LV, Burberry...etc. At first, I am quite excited when I heard that, coz I cant imagine having a "Orchard Road' here (I miss going to Orchard Road back in SG.....    *_*), but in the end, it turned out to be a FAR cry from the orchard road I used to know. There were only a  few international brands and the shops were quite small. There were no sign of ZARA, MNG, F21, H&M, etc so to me, it is not considered as orchard road. Plus the buildings in the area were quite old and short and its not v crowded, maybe becoz its a weekday (but everyday in SG orchard is super crowded), well...anyway, Weizhong managed to find a nice present for his gf and Wee Hong bought his coffee supplies so its not a wasted trip after all.
It was SO humid today! I havent sweat this much since I came here (besides running on the threadmill at home) and I realized my hair fizz like crazy under this humid weather. All the while, I never have problem with my hair here maybe becoz the weather is dry and cool but now it looked more and more like @#$$! Now I understand why after I went back to SG after 1 year of staying in US, I had so much problems with my hair like fizziness, oily scalp, etc which I dont have at all when I was in US. Conclusion: Humidity is very bad for my hair. Oh dear, how am I going to survive back in Singapore!?
We had Thai food at this little shop at the corner of a street nearby. Sorrie, I din take any pictures today coz I was busy sweating and panting like a dog.....I am so glad that I decide to wear my Asics running shoes today as the carpark which we parked our car was quite far away from the shopping street and I had to fast walk to keep up with the guys. Its good exercise in a way for me since I haven done so for a long time. Must have burnt quite a bit of calories today, yeah..Nowadays, I dont even feel like moving my body in this hot humid weather, and I heard that hell is yet to come......oh no.............I am looking forward to winter now...

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