Monday 25 July 2011

Home cooked food

Yesterday, I made Mee Hoon Kway. Its one of my fave food back home and I have been craving for it for some time, so I decided to make it. The most tedious part is making of the dough, quite physically strenuous task. End up I just pressed and stretched it into little pieces with my fingers, so the 'kway' dont look like nice little cut squares. But its ok, since it still taste nice.
I fried quite a lot of ikan bilis, so I can keep the rest and eat it slowly as snack. Love munching on the fried ikan bilis although frying it made the whole house smell of fried fish also. Had to spray air freshener after that to the whole house to get rid of the smell. I added minced pork, shitake mushroom, some cabbage and a egg to it. The broth was cooked using ikan bilis, dried scallops and a chicken drumstick coz I like the soup to be rich and flavourful. It was yummy and nice! Eat until so full that I can hardly moved...haha.....Took me the whole afternoon just to make this one dish but was worth it when I eat it.

Today's menu for dinner was Laksa. I haven used the 'tao pok' that his colleagues brought over the last time yet, so it will be a good chance to use them. I used the Prima Laksa pack for this. Thank God there are such things like Prima Premix sauce kits around! I brought a lot of such stuffs over here and there are like a quick fix to satisfy those Singapore food cravings. I have tried almost all the Prima food and my faves are Laksa, Mee Siam, Mee Rebus, Bak Ku Tet and prawn mee.
For the laksa, I added a chicken drumstick to cook with the premade laksa sauce and then add prawns, fishcake (amazingly managed to find that here), mushrooms and tao pok, and served over a mixture of noodles and beehoon. Yum yum! ;p

 Received two packages in the mailbox today, one from Japan and the other from US.

 Got this 1 yard fabric with four different prints in lavender colour

and 100+ buttons in assorted colours and size.

Sadly, Borders is closing down its business. There will be no more Borders Bookstore in future....I am SO sad!!  :(   Where am I going to get my books and Paperchase stationeries in future! I know that you can always buy from amazon or download from Kindle etc, but sometimes I need to touch and browse something in order to get a feel of what I am buying. That's especially so for non fiction books. As for fiction books, NOT all books are available in digital format, actually quite a lot of very nice fiction books are not available in kindle or digital form. Which means I have to buy it from Amazon, and judging from my current location, its not a very economical way to buy books. In Israel, I dont see big bookstores around here. The bookstores here are small, (smaller than a food court size) and they dont sell much English books (maybe about 2% of all the books) and the English books here are very limited in variety and expensive! I was still counting on my next US trip to stock up on my books but looks like there won't be any..... This week, Borders is starting its going-out-of business sale and HOW I WISH I AM IN THE US NOW!!!! *sob sob....*

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