Thursday 30 June 2011

Transformer movie at kiryat Ono mall

Went out to watch Transformer, the new movie at the shopping mall near my house. It's the first time I watch a movie at that shopping mall and turns out its even better than the one we always go coz the 3D glasses are much lighter. The movie is awesome, especially with the 3D effects.
Ate a cup of Nissan cup noodle juz now for dinner.
Will be going to the fabric shop in Rehovot tomorrow, yeah...I have prepared the shopping list already. Hehee....after that, we are going for a shooting game with the guys. I have never handle a gun before, hope it will be fun.
Need to wake up early tomorrow then, can't sleep now, too full of instant noodle.....

Think Poochi also can't sleep, he is busy poking his head at my bedroom door, making snorting sounds. Its like he is talking or grumbling to me in a language I cannot understand. He is still outside the door...he just don't want to go and sleep. He is really very clingy!

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