Thursday 16 June 2011

Introduction 101 - Welcome to my life in Israel

This is my first time blogging and I am actually inspired to do so after reading some very nice blogs of other people living in different parts of the world. Actually, I am just too bored, lonely and isolated from the world, that if I dont do something with my life now, I will probably go insane. 
So, I will do a quick introduction of myself here. I moved to Israel from Singapore about 6 months ago. Before that, I was in the US for a year. My stay in US was wonderful.....sighz...wish I can go back there again.
Anyway, I will be here in Israel for the next 1.5 years due to my husband's job posting. Sad..... :(
when I first came to this country, I felt like an illiterate person, its almost the same as being mute and deaf for me.
I cant speak the language here, (which is Hebrew) and few people can speak English. Almost everything here is in Hebrew..doing groceries here is a pain coz I dont know what I am buying as I can't read the instructions and i still remember trying to figure out which is the shampoo and the conditioner since both looked identical and there are no English word at all except for the brand LOREAL...... *_*
The list of complaints can go on and there's nothing to do here on weekends (when my husband is not working) coz EVERYWHERE is closed during Shabbath, high cost of living (everything is SO expensive here!Worse than Singapore and US!),  NO STARBUCKS!, NO Borders Bookstore (basically no English bookstores), and NO Macdonalds (there are actually Macdonalds here but its kosher and it taste horrid so I dont considered them as Macdonalds to me) 
I can go on ranting all day and nite.....its endless....but I will give it a break for now since its my first posting.
So, many people are curious about how I spent my time here....well, I dont have any friends here, I dont go out by myself since its not safe. Everyday is just housework, laundry, cooking, surfing internet etc.I am basically living a life like a prisoner. Luckily, I have my doggie with me so I have not gone insane or kill myself yet. His name is Poochi and he is a pug. He is the cutest little thing around and he always cheer me up without fail when I am sad or depressed. THANK GOD FOR POOCHI!!

There is this very interesting quiz which is surprisingly accurate.

Your Cute Monster Says Your Inner Demon is Melancholy

You are a well balanced person. You have all aspects of your life happily in order.
Whenever you have a choice in life, you try to choose the middle path.
You can be a bit moody at times.
People think you're cute because you are easy going. Your live and let live attitude is charming.

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