Saturday 25 June 2011

Visit to Soreq Cave

Yesterday, hubby and I, together with his guys went to this Nature Reserve place called Soreq Cave. It is located on the western slopes of the Judean mountain.

Scenary from outside the cave.

 Luckily we managed to get a English speaking tour guide.

Entrance to the cave

Overall, its quite a small cave compared to the ones I have been to the States but it had all the features of a stalactite cave. There were walls and columns of stalactites and stalagmites. Its actually quite humid inside. 
 Pics of inside the cave.
Din managed to take much pics inside coz the effect did not turn out quite nice. Also, its quite rush as the guide kept moving on and we had to keep up with him. Wish we had more time to slowly take some nice pics. Anyway, it was quite a good trip to stay out of the sun which is SO HOT. Cant imagine going anywhere outdoor in this weather. I actually felt like puking once I stepped out of the cave coz the sun is making me very uncomfortable. Now I can understand why people can actually puke from over heating. 
The goat mascot of the Israeli National Parks.

After the cave tour was over, we went to this nearby restaurant called Asa for lunch. The guys loved to eat their pork and this is one of the rare place that sells pork steak. (Jew dont eat pork so its hard to find pork in Israel) I felt too hot to eat anything so I juz shared a bit of the steak with hubby.
When we reached home around 2pm, I switched on the aircon for the rest of the day. Cannot survive without aircon. Think Poochi also coz he is very heat sensitive. His skin condition actually got better in aircon.  Yesterday when we on the aircon the whole day, his skin improved dramatically. 

Managed to complete my first sewing project. Its a drawstring pouch.

Took me quite some time as I am not used to sewing. Had to remove the stitches a few times and redo. But I can feel my sewing speed getting faster as I sewed more. My next project will be a zippered pouch. 

Today, we went to Oyaama to eat dinner as we have some special privileges with the card on our wedding anniversary. Its one of the nicest food I can find here. They served chinese fusion and Japanese. The sashimi there is the best.
 First time drinking japanese beer, I preferred Asahi as its lighter in taste.
 First time trying the wanton soup. Dont really taste like the ones I used to eat though.

 The good old kung pow chicken noodles, my all time fave.

Juz made Poochi a small pillow from the blue fabric with white poka dots. Actually made it in less than 2 hrs and hubby is amazed I completed it so fast. I like sewing, help takes my mind off things and help pass time faster. Mainly, it is good at making my brain stop worrying. I hope my remaining fabric shipments will come soon....

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