Saturday 18 June 2011

I miss therapy food.....

There was a time where I can just go online and ordered a Macdonalds double cheeseburger meal (BTW, u can never find cheeseburger in this country coz its not kosher) and get it delivered in 30 mins to my doorstep while I lazed at home......such convenience and such instant therapy for me when I am in need for comfort food......
How nostalgia...... *_*

No wonder nowadays, I just cant seem to find anything to eat even if I am hungry. I tried eating chips, or cereals or drank milk etc whenever my hunger cravings start kicking but it just never seems to fill me up. There's juz this inner craving for something to eat during nightime. Food all taste kindda bland to me. I do take normal regular meals (well, juz 2 meals a day coz I always skipped breakfast) and I am not fat or overweight but I juz feel HUNGRY ALL THE TIME....

So basically, living in Israel is a good place for me to lose weight. I have lost about 3-4kg since coming over here. In Singapore, nay...can forget about it. Its SO hard to stay slim! There are SO many food temptations everywhere. It is a food paradise!

So, I tried to sleep a I wont keep thinking about food and keep finding things to eat. But then there is a limit to how much I can sleep. How I wish I can sleep myself into a coma and wake up 1.5 years later. Think my life is in such a mess now and I am juz letting myself go, living aimlessly everyday, without any goal or purpose. I used to think that my life will be wonderful if I quit my job. Now that I not longer work, i still dun feel happy....strange.....maybe thats life, people can never be happy.
 Life is not a fairy tale where u can live happily ever after. I used to love reading fairy tales when I was a child, now I simply think they are a load of bullshit. I have become quite cynical over the years. Sighz....its sad :( There are so many nasty people  that I thot there are no longer any nice people out there in the world. BUT i know they exist but well hidden and so rare. How can you find such people? Maybe they are juz around you but you never know.

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