Thursday 30 June 2011

Fabric shipment and mini craft projects

 Fabric shipment from US

Fabric shipment from Japan.

Poochi lazing on the pillow I made for him. Hehee....he is very lazy.

Supposed to bring him to the specialist skin doctor today but his skin has become better suddenly, without any of those disgusting pus and red spots. So, we decide to postphone the visit. No point seeing the doctor in this condition. Been turning the aircon and fan for him everyday, think this dog can only survive at 25 degree celsius condition, how is he going to survive when he go back SG!! *Groan*

 Finish making my DIY strawberry felt cake. I remember I bought it a few years ago in Singapore but never have the chance to make it until now. Its actually quite fun making it.

Finished making this pouch today with a inner lining. Its my first attempt at making such a pouch. I love pouches or bags that have a nice inner lining of fabric. For this, I also used a interfacing for the first time. It gives the pouch a cringly stiff-like feel which I dont really like and also, its quite hard to turn it inside out. Think I'll try the cloth like interfacing next time.         

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