Thursday 29 September 2011

Ghouls on the streets....

OMG...the ghouls are out on the streets again. The time now is 1am and I heard people screaming and yelling on the streets. I can't tell whether they are being robbed, being raped, murdered or just fooling around. All I heard are some guys voices shouting and yelling and some gals voices screaming and shrieking.....And it's still going on for the past 20 mins...wondered when it will end.
Well, I called them 'ghouls' for a good reason coz they like to come out at night after the sun set. Their shabbatt ends at sundown so during shabbatt they can't do almost anything, but once their shabbatt ends, you can see so many of them coming out at night, and restaurants and super mart starts to open also. (but closed after a 3-4 hrs)
It felt like Halloween here almost everyday except it's not fun at all.

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