Saturday 24 September 2011

It actually rain~!

View taken outside my bedroom window

I'm so glad it finally rain! Its not those big downpour like those in SG, but fine drizzling rain and the air smell much fresher. Its not very clear from the pic but can see the ground is moist and the sky is darkened. I miss the rain....That means its the END of summer and the beginning of autumn/winter, yeah~! 
Been lying on the bed stricken with very bad cramps since yesterday. Guess I have to eat more evening primrose oil otherwise I dunoe how to survive the roadtrip next month. Its 11 more days to go for my US trip....counting down......I'm so looking forward to getting out of this dump.
Btw, my short haircut had gradually turned into a perm. I dunoe why my hair had turned so curly and hubby said it looked like I had permed my hair. Sighz...*_* Its either I see it as a worst case of bedhead or a trendy spiky messy hairdo....I'll prob just wear a cap instead.

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