Saturday 17 September 2011

A trip to the Rosh Hanikra and Akko

Yesterday, I went to Rosh Hanikra and Akko, which are situated in the north of Israel.
The parking area of Rosh Hanikra. Before we reached here, we actually hollanded in someone's kibbutz..?! It was very funny, anyway it took 2 hrs of driving before reaching this destination.

Its right next to the mediterranean sea and the view is very nice. The water is surprisingly clear and blue green.

 First stop, to the cable car station

 Where we are supposed to take the cable down to the grottos and to watch a show

 The cable car trip was actually quite short, about 1 min??

The guys busy snapping away with their camera once we got out of the cable car. It was a very sunny and humid day, I actually got a bit of tan....finally... after being cooped in the house for so long, I felt that I had turned into a pale luminous colour without using any SKII, amazing rite.

 Entrance to the gottos. Grottos are formed from a natural on going geological process over thousands of years. It began when a series of underground shocks ripped gaps into the bedrock. Rainwater then penetrated the within the gaps, dissolving them and forming within tunnels and seacaves (grottos).

 Entering the caves, the floor are slippery and very rough and sharp. 

 Very beautiful clear water.

Hubby posing for the camera. 

 Outside view of the bedrock

 The mediterranean sea.....

More views of white rocks.

Rosh Hanikra is actually so near to the Lebanon border. Beyond the blue gates lies the country of Lebanon. We felt very cautious taking pics when approaching....then when the guards saw us, he said "why stand so far, come nearer..." so we went closer and there on the gate was the sign "Photography Prohibited!" but we still continued to take pics....haha....

Our next destination is the Arab town of Akko. It is also situated near to the sea. Got abit lost when we reached there due to the lack of English signs around. Luckily, there are four of us so its not so bad. 

Had late lunch at this Arab restaurant called four loaves and fish. 

 OMG, they actually have English menu. Great~!

 I like this pita bread, taste like middle east version of garlic bread.

 Even the hummus-hating Weizhong enjoyed eating this hummus.

 The seafood combination plate consist of fried calamari and prawns. Taste quite good actually.

 Each of us ordered a fried/grilled seabass. The portion is just nice for me and taste good. But I dont really like the big pile of raw parsely next to it.

 After a full lunch, we decided to walk around a bit. The weather is great coz its breezy and the sun is not so hot. Saw a few bridal couples taking their wedding shots near the beach.

I guess it must be low tide, coz I saw quite a lot of people standing on the rocks and fishing.

The crumbling old stone wall was supposed to be a fortress wall in the old days. There are just too many old crumbling stones walls or houses in this country. Sadly, I really cant seem to appreciate the beauty of such historical relics coz to me, it just a crumbling pile of rocks.

 Some snapshots around Akko. Most of the attractions and tours were closed at 4pm so we din get a chance to visit the Templer Tunnel, the Arab market and some of the museums.

A church in a Arab town?

Was so tired by the time I reached home about 7pm that I will sleep the moment my head touch the pillow. But had to force myself to stay awake to watch my TrueBlood coz I had already missed it yesterday so I cant missed the rerun. Literally had to pinch my eyelids open to stay awake. But amazingly, after I finished watching my show, I CAN'T SLEEP! The drowsy spell had passed and I was wide awake. Think there is seriously something wrong with my head....sighz....

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