Wednesday 21 September 2011

Homemade KFC aka JFC

I finally decided to cook up some fried chicken as I am having some serious cravings for it for quite some time. Very strangely, there are NO fried chicken in this country.(they have fried chicken schnitzel but taste like fried biscuit to me) There are also no mash potatoes as far as I can see. Reason is because its not kosher. For the fried chicken, you will need to marinate the chicken in buttermilk to give it the meat a smooth tender and juicy texture, similarly for the mash potatoes as the gravy contains animal by products and cream. The Jews cannot eat meat together with any dairy products. So you can forget about eating your chops or steaks with gravy on top in this place.
Besides making fried chicken ( this is my first time), its also my first time making mash potatoes. OMG~! Its SO much work! Luckily I had made the coleslaw in advance yesterday so I can concentrate on my fried chicken and mash potatoes today.

In total, I fried 12 pieces of chicken today. Each person got 2 wings and 1 drumstick. At first, I thought the portion was just nice but turned out I cant even finished my share. I was already waving the white flag after my second piece, same as Hubby. In the end, we just have to forsake the skins and just finished the meat. Right now, I dont think I wanna eat another piece of fried chicken for a long long time....Guess my stomach is becoming weak from staying in this country coz haven eat such sinful oily stuff for SO long and now I am having a hard time digesting it. Now, the whole house smell like fried chicken, even poor Poochi also smell like a fried chicken, hahaa...~

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