Monday 19 September 2011

Haircut day

I finally got my hair chopped today! It's been almost 1 year since I stepped into a hair salon and my hair had become too long and unbearable for me to take it, and so today I went to the hair salon near my house to get it cut. Turned out to be quite good, better than I expected. I still prefer short hair better than long hair coz it looked much neater and manageable for me. Guess the next time I cut it again will be when I am back in SG.
For dinner, we went out with JW and Weizhong to eat some indian food at Tandoori Chicken Restaurant. The food is excellent and the lady boss is very nice. She gave us complimentary chicken masala and dessert, so end up we had a very filling but satisfying meal. I am still very full.....arghhh....haven't eat such good food for a long time! Yeah~!

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