Monday 5 September 2011

Poochi is my Boo Boo Bear.


Made Poochi a purple Boo Boo bear bow tie. Boo Boo bear is the little buddy of Yogi bear (in case no one knows) and he is always wearing this purple bow tie on his neck. Somehow Poochi reminds me of Boo Boo bear. Maybe becoz he is small, brown and cute....
 Poochi deep in thoughts.....

Sadly for Poochi, he had gotten this rare condition called lupus, which is an immune mediated disorder in which the immune system produces antibodies against its own tissue (in his case, his immune system rejects the skin near his groin area). This explains why antibiotics treatment against the pus on the skin is not effective and keeps coming back. He is currently on combination of steroids and antibiotics and so far, his skin condition is looking good. Now I know that steroids is used to suppress his immune system but its not good for long term use as it had side effects so it must be used sparingly. Lupus is incurable and requires lifetime medication. *sighz....* But at least I am glad to finally find out what is wrong coz this problem is very difficult to diagnose and normal vets are not able to find out this problem. I am glad I brought Poochi to Israel coz there is a dog skin specialist here to help him, unlike in SG where the vets just diagnose him as having sensitive skin....(what the Heck! @##$!)

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