Tuesday 27 September 2011

Poochi's new mattress

Made Poochi a new mattress for his cage aka "Cave". He likes to sleep inside the "cave" nowadays and since weather is getting cooler, I decide to make a mattress for him to sleep inside. OMG~! It took me about 4-5 days just to sew this huge thing coz I am sewing everything by hand. Its time like this that I wish I had a sewing machine. Think I may just seriously get one when I go over to the States and hand carry it over *_*
Discovered a new blog today by this Japanese lady living in the States. She lived in San Jose, with her American husband and it just reminded me of the times I had in the States. I've been to San Jose many times for grocery shopping coz it had many asian supermarkets.Its a nice place to live.  And also from her blog, she reminded me of a place called "Trader's Joe"  Its a chain of supermarkets in the States and they sell a lot of very nice and unique foodstuffs. It makes me wana kick myself for never stepping into this place during my entire year stay in US. It so STRANGE coz I know of this place ( I always received their pamphlets in the mail) but I dont know why I never thought of going there?? 
Anyway, she had many beautiful fabrics and sewing projects and I felt that I learnt so much from reading her blog. Its always good to know there are nice people around this world who shares the same interest as me.
Poochi is now sleeping on my feet while I typed away at my laptop. He is such a wonderful foot warmer and great for me as I always have cold feet. I read that Pugs are like your shadows, they always follow wherever you go and love to laze at your feet.  How very true! I felt like I have got 2 shadows in this house.

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