Wednesday 5 October 2011

Finally Oct...

Finally, its Oct....the end of Summer and beginning of fall and 1 more day to the start of my US road trip. After months of planning, its finally here. Its going to be a rough trip with 5 National Parks between Colorado and Utah and LOTS of driving just between me and Hubby. While its theme parks and shopping in Orlando (managed to squeeze in Kennedy Space Center) at the end, we still need to run some errands like going to the Bank and Post Office etc. I seriously doubt my stamina will be able to carry me through...anyway I just hope no major screw ups will happened and we can come back safely in 1 piece.

I made a neck pillow for the long flight. Say hi to my new travelling companion, Pinky. Hopefully he can help me sleep better on the plane. He is small enough to fit inside my slingbag without bulging.
Back view of Pinky. I think I din stuff him full enough but i guess he should be enough neck support for me. At least its better than no neck support.

Just bathed Poochi and now he is looking clean and fluffy to go to Uncle Mosche Farm tomorrow. Think he likes that place. They dun locked the dogs in small tiny cages but put them in a large enclosures, like the size of a bedroom. (that place is huge) Sometimes the dog can have a suite to itself or shared with a suitable fren. And they have playtime in a large playground also. Quite similar to a child care center but for animals. Wish there is such animal boarding place in SG.

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