Saturday 29 October 2011

US trip -Orlando, Colorado and Utah- Part 1

Was back from the US trip and was MAXIMUM burnout. Slept for 2-3 days straight and finally able to start recovering from a very serious flu I got during the trip. Had never been sick for a very long time, with no doc or medicine. (just surviving on store bought cough mixt) As I was telling Hubby, this trip is really more like a test of my mental and physical endurance, such as finishing a 9km climb hike to the highest sand dune and doing a challenging 3 hr ranger-guided hike, while being sick with flu, throat inflammation, cough and fever in freezing cold temperatures. Been blowing bloodied goo from my nose and coughing out bloodied mucous for more than 2 weeks. Im glad I survived. Well, guess what din kill you makes you stronger. And thats what I did gained.

 Waiting at the airport, cant wait to get out of this place!

 After a torturous 12 hr flight and a very rushed transit from Philadelphia, we finally arrived in Orlando. The airport was decked with Halloween decorations. Lotsa spiders, cobwebs, etc surrounding the baggage claim area. Even the hotel we checked in later was decorated with Halloween stuffs. Very fun~

After settling the P.O Box at the post office and the bank (which refused to issue Hubby a new card...crap), we finally settled for some dim sum near our hotel. Its been more than a year since we had any dim sums....sighz...there are no dim sum restaurants in X.

 Went crazy and ordered so much food. Surprisingly, we managed to finished it all, guess we really missed eating dim sum. Ordered salted fish and chicken fried rice, 'fen chang' with prawns.

 Fried carrot cake,
 Wanton soup with 'xiao bai chai'
 'Har giao' -very nice
 lotus leaved wrapped glutinous rice
 YES! my fave 'char siew bao', been missing you for a year!
 'siew mai'

Finally checked into Hampton Inn and Suites. V good hotel, free parking, internet, printing and b/f for just about $50+/nite.

Hubby was very excited after we settled the P.O Box coz that very night, he started his amazon shopping. He LOVES amazon shopping very much. For the next few days, we just shopped at the outlet malls and other shopping malls since its Columbus Day. If possible, we tried to buy it after the Denver trip, so we wont have to carry all that weight around. Discovered that at SuperWalmart, they sell cloth by the yard, fat quarters and many other sewing accessories and trims. Its SO cheap! I have been paying 2-3 times the prices buying them at etsy websites and 10x the prices compared to X! OMG!!! 

Lunch at the outlet mall. The pizza and clam chowder tasted so good, the crust is thin and crispy, one of the best pizzas I ever eaten. Tasted so much better than the pizza we ate at an Italian restaurant at EPCOT Disneyland.
 Dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant. Its the poshest looking Viet restaurant I ever seen, however the food is just average.
 Fried soft shelled crabs
Ordered a small bowl of pho but it turned out to be so huge! Like a wash basin! Only managed to finished 3/4 of it. 

 Dinner at a Thai restaurant. Finally, had some decent fried tofu, crispy outside and SOFT inside. I missed these type of tofu, the only tofu i can find in X are so hard and tough and my mouth gets tired from chewing them.
 Tom Yum soup, I asked for VERY spicy. Its decently spicy enough but the ones from Thai Express is much spicier.
 Fried red snapper fish, quite exp but since we haven had red snapper for a long time, its worth splurging. 

 The good old Macdonalds~! It tasted so good when you haven had it for half a year....Hubby is more interested in the McRibs burger. Btw, US also having the Monopoly Macdonald game and we played it, thinking we stand a better chance of winning since we are traveling 3 states, so we have been eating Macs in Orlando, Denver and Utah, but sadly, din win anything.

Everything seems to taste so much better in the States after staying in X, eating crap...
There are still many food I havent get the chance to eat yet, (coz of the illness), like Popeyes chicken, LJS, Wendys, Cheesecake Factory, Ruby Tuesday, Joe's Crab shack...etc. Argghhh!! So frustrating! *_*

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