Saturday 29 October 2011

US trip -Orlando, Colorado and Utah- Part 2

After staying 1 nite at a super crappy and eerie cheap hotel called Crestwood Suites, we packed up and leave for Denver, Colorado.
Went to the United Club lounge at Orlando airport to rest and drink some coffee while waiting for the plane to depart at about 7am. A funny thing happened when he asked the recep guy at the lounge whether there are any Macdonalds around the airport (coz we wana eat some Mcdonalds breakfast), and the guy replied, "sorrie, dun think there are any Macdonalds here." and then he added "Macdonalds not good for your health" I burst out laughing. He's very funny, and then he smiled and said "we have healthier breakfast here at the lounge, like fruits and cereals"
 Interior of the lounge, very quiet and relaxing
 the juice and coffee bar,
and the healthy breakfast....haha....

Flight to Denver was about 3.5hrs and a 2 hr time zone difference, i think. From the airport, we took a shuttle bus to the car rental center and managed to get a white Toyota Camry with a California licence plate.
Then, its a 4 hrs drive to the hotel at Alamosa, gateway to the great sand dunes. 

Guess what Hubby found along the way? A Jack In The Box fastfood! He is so happy coz its been more than 1.5 years since he last eat it. His all time fave food- teriyaki rice bowl is still in the menu! Alas~ my throat at that moment had become so painfully swollen, that it hurts to even swallow my own saliva or to talk. I can't eat my fave curly fries or any of the burgers. I cursed myself to this day for not being able to eat what I want at that moment! However, I need to eat some food so I can eat my panadols to control the fever, so I just eat a bit of salad.
 Its a grilled chicken salad and its huge! Taste quite nice surprisingly.

Entrance to the Grand Sand Dunes National Park

 Approaching the sand dunes
Everywhere is just a vast expanse of land, snow capped mountains in the backdrop and a very blue sky.

Gosh~, its really cold!

 Tried sliding down a sandy slope....

 The sand dunes is really huge and even had ice in some parts of the sand.

We tried climbing the two highest dunes, it was like climbing Mt Everest. Guess it becoz of the high altitude, the air is very thin and we had to stop and rest after climbing 20 steps coz we are already giddy and panting for breath. I felt my legs are so heavy and every step took me so much effort. I just concentrate on reaching my 20 steps so I can stop and catch my breath and get my breathing back to normal before continuing. Its by far, the toughest trail I ever done for all National Parks.

 Ice on sand....Hubby moving on....

 Looking back where we came, the trees at the border of the sand is where we parked our car.

 More breath taking views of the dunes.

Stopping for a break...need food for energy....
Looking miserable....and shag...

Lying dead on the sand, too tired to move.
 Feels good lying in the sand, dun wana move...

 Quiet moment to ponder..?

 tranquil desolated beauty...

Backview of Hubby, still a long way to go.

  Approaching the highest point on the dunes
After reaching the highest point, we spent less than 5 mins on top coz Hubby had height phobia.

That's me sliding/walking downhill. Its so much easier now.

I conquered my Mt Everest!

Surprised to find ladybird in the middle of a sand dune. A sign of good luck, I hope!

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