Saturday 6 August 2011

Random Musings 2

Today, I finished almost all the biddings for Priceline. Got some very good deal like the Marriot Hotel for $50 USD/nite in Denver Colorado instead of the usual $150 USD, but also got some lousy deals like the Ramada Hotel in Florida. That's the problem with Priceline, can get cheap hotels but cant choose what kind of hotels, could end up getting some dirty and haunted hotels for all I know...but luckily so far, I haven encountered that kind of 'dirty' hotel yet. *touch wood*
Also finished watching this movie called 'Source Code' online. I watched a bit yesterday night when the guys came over for dinner and had to stop halfway coz we need to rush for another movie at the mall. Think among all the movies I watched, Source Code is definitely one of the best ones I ever seen.  At first when I watched it, I was still wondering 'what is this show about? seems boring...' but it just gets more and more exciting as the plot unravels until I practically can't take my eyes off it. Very interesting story, a bit sad (cos he had to die so many times, poor guy...) but glad the ending is still good. Makes you wonder what if there is another alternate universe in this world with an alternate you living a different life. Sounds 'chim'....I cannot imagine that...its scary....
Anway, dinner tonite was Mee Hoon Kway again, leftovers from yesterday. Invited the guys over to eat Mee Hoon Kway yesterday coz Ah Teck is craving to eat it. Seems like the guys dont cook this dish themselves even though they got the machine for making the 'kway'. So, to make some variations, I added some tom yum know cube to the soup and also some prawns and calamari, so it becomes tom yum seafood mee hoon kway for dinner today. Yummy~!

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