Wednesday 24 August 2011

iPad pouch

Haven been blogging for a while coz been lazing around feeling too depressed to do anything. Good news is the summer heat is slowly subsiding and the sun had been setting faster than before. Previously, its still light around 8pm but now it completely dark by 8pm, which means summer is going to be over soon....I hope.
Made a zipped casing for my ipad yesterday. I used more manly type of fabric for it coz it will belongs to Hubby. I will be making another pouch for my new ipad 3 which will only come next year.

 The front and back of the casing are the same, using this bicycle print fabric from Micheal Miller. Its the first time I am using this fabric since I bought it from a US etsy seller a few months ago.

 It fits the ipad just nicely (thank goodness....) and is made from thick cotton batting which gives it a padded feel.
 The interior of the casing is made using this grey and white stripes fabric with a interior pocket.

Will be bringing it to the States in Oct, so will be more handy if it has a pouch for extra protection. Total time it took for me to complete this is about 4 hrs, coz its 100% handmade.

Did another project last week also, a lavender sunglasses pouch! Very girlish and sweet...hehee...
 It is made from 3 different types of fabric patchworked together. The top piece is a lavender poka dots fabric, a lavender plaids fabric for the bottom piece and a purple flowers piece for the middle, all Japanese fabrics. Also added a piece of cotton lace at the bottom for decoration. 

 Back of the sunglass pouch was made using purple poka dots fabric with a pink rabbit applique. 

Interior of the pouch was lined with pink plaids fabric. Overall, I like the pink and lavender colour combinations of this pouch as they add a touch of sweet and romantic feel to it. (although the rabbit applique seems to spoil the romantic feel to it.... *_*)

More cute pics of Poochi.....
"See, I like to ride on Daddy's leg~"

Doesnt he looked like he's from the big head dog collection?

"whaya staring at"
Alien face pug....
"I hypnotize you to give me food"

Poochi the bib wearing dog with his good fren, Zebra.

What that thing on the dinning table?!

Talking about Poochi, he is currently on antibiotics treatment....AGAIN.....The lab test showed he had a very stubborn strain of bacteria. So, he will be taking this antibiotics for the next 3 weeks before taking him to the vet again. Somehow I dont have v high hopes.....

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