Friday 26 August 2011

Crazy people in this crazy place

The time now is 2.20am but there are a large crowd of people walking around the streets, making a lot of noise. It's actually quite common to see young people in groups of threes or fours wandering around the streets at night around midnight in this place. Right now, there seems to be some kind of brawling happening near my house playground as there are a lot of people shouting about although I don't know what they are saying. Sounds like a riot is happening and the time is 2am in the morning!! The young people here don't have anywhere to go during the shabbatt so they like to hang around with friends wandering the streets at night and caused troubles. It's very common sight here and it happened every week which those crazy people who don't sleep at night will come out and create a din and make other people unable to sleep also. Often the noise will continue into 4am. Think those crazy people outside are drunk and have nowhere to go, so they like to gather at public places, like playground etc and do their drunk shouting or singing through the night. OMG, I really hate this place....

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