Monday 15 August 2011

Poochi at the vet

Yesterday, we brought Poochi to the vet who specialized in skin problems for dogs. He's like a canine skin specialist. Been postphoning the trip till now coz Poochi's skin condition suddenly worsened for no apparent reason. His condition is like a very unpredictable cycle, sometimes good sometimes bad. As usual, its a torture trying to find the place, but somehow better than the first time we try to find the other vet. Only spent about 10-15 mins getting lost, compared to the first time, which is about 30-45mins getting totally lost until we almost gave up and went home. Thats the problem when we dont understand the language here, even if the signboard is staring at me right in the face, I wouldnt even know what it means.
The specialist clinic was spacious, clean and modern looking and had a balance machine to weigh the dog unlike the previous vet clinic we brought Poochi to, was really quite dirty, run down and primitive (and had no balance to weigh the dog!) Anyway, the silly little pooch was very happy to be out of the house and was trotting about happily in front of me until I opened the clinic door and the familiar smell of the animal clinic immediately made him back stepped and want to run away. But I pushed him back inside and while talking to the receptionist, he peed on the floor. HE ALWAYS DO THAT! He always pee the moment he stepped into a clinic if I took my eye off him even for 1 sec. However, I was prepared and always carry tissue and poop bag whenever I took him out. I was busy cleaning up his pee pee when the receptionist weighed him at the machine and she said to Poochi "you are so beautiful..." I was like, *puke*...beautiful is such a wrong word for him, he is more 'ugly cute'
The specialist name was called Dr Ilan. He led us to this room where we sat down and he asked us alot of qns about Poochi, some of which I wasnt very sure about and how I wish Poochi can talk and he can tell the Doc himself what exactly is wrong with him....sighz....but sadly he cant and he can only sit down near my chair and looked bored while we talked about his skin problem. The biopsy that was previously done on Poochi was a screw up, so poor poochi got three pieces of his skin cut out for NOTHING!
Later, Dr Ilan showed us into another room where he examined Poochi and took some off his pus for lab analysis. The total cost of the visit, including consultation, new dog food to try, some ear lotion and some antibiotics came up to about 1000 shekels....if he also cant find out whats wrong with the dog, then I really give up.

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