Tuesday 29 November 2011

Yeah~ strawberry season is back!

Finally, the strawberries are back! The last time I saw them was last winter and since then, I cant find a single strawberry in this country...

 My brunch today, strawberries with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. Yummy~!

Poochi was ecstatic too, coz he finally get to eat his fave strawberries after so long. The silly thing even gobbled up the some of the leaves before I got the chance to take it out. Back in SG, it was his daily fruit and my parents would called him "Strawberry" coz he respond to it better than his own name. Thus, his nickname "Strawberry"...

Will be resuming my Hebrew lesson tomorrow after a LONG break. Been trying to revise all that I had learn so far coz I have forgotten almost everything. The saying, "If u don't use it, you will lose it" is so true somehow...

Went out for dinner with Hubby and the guys and ended up talking about really crap stuffs like armpit hair, toilet habits, farting, etc...But it was real funny and I cant stop laughing about it even when I reached home...haha...Thinking about it still cracks me up.... : D

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