Friday 11 November 2011

Lunch at Little Prague

There was a farewell lunch today at a Czech restaurant in Tel Aviv for some of Hubby's colleagues who will be going back home at the end of this month. This is the first time I tried Czech cuisines. Turned out I have discovered a hidden gem in this country.
Entrance of the restaurant

As usual, the traffic in Tel Aviv was insane and we were caught in a jam. Think driving in this country can really drive someone crazy. I dont drive here unless I wana kill someone or get myself killed.
Anyway, back to the food. The wonderful thing about Czech cuisine is that its not kosher. They served roast pork, barbequed pork ribs and pork knuckles. In fact, after I did some research online, I found that Czech food are famous for being unhealthy, high in fat and calories. Of course, I dont mind it at all. I'm so glad I found a place that served meat with diary products and pork. Finally, some decent food!

 For myself, I ordered cordon bleu, which is pork/chicken wrapped with cheese and ham, the whole thing breaded and fried, served with salad and rice. For the beer, I chosed their Czech beer called Pilsner Urquell. Turned out to be bit too bitter for me, so I changed to Edelweiss, a wheat beer which had a lighter sweeter taste.

Hubby ordered roasted pork Knuckles served with knedlik (Czech steam white bread) The bread tasted quite nice to me.

Overall, I had a great lunch and a great time, especially becoz WH was not around today as he was busy entertaining Edna somewhere in the northern part of Israel. It was nice chatting freely over good food and beer without hearing his 'noise pollution'

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