Sunday 27 November 2011

'The Help' Movie and book review

Discovered that there is actually a movie based on the book 'The Help' which I read just recently and I goto watch it!
Emma Stone played the role of Miss Skeeter, think she is just too pretty for the role and not really what I imagined Miss Skeeter to be. Other than that, the rest of the characters fit their roles v well, esp the role of Miss Hilly and Miss Leefolt. Although it's not as detailed as the book and missing out quite a lot of scenes, it still managed to bring across the important message of racial prejudice and freedom. Even though the setting of the story is in 1960s, I feel it's still very relevant in today's society. Racial prejudice will always exist and it does not just limit to the colour of our skin. Even with the same skin colour, people can also be discriminated based on their educational level, birthplace, religion, job, etc.
This book opened up two perspective of thoughts, one on enslavement due to skin colour and the other is the enslavement of the mind. Although we can't change the colour of our skin (unless u are Michael Jackson), it is possible to change how our minds think. To free one's mind is perhaps one of the most important and also the hardest of all.

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