Friday 24 August 2012

Day 5- Bergen,Norway

Arrived at Bergen, the oldest and second largest city in Norway.
Bergen was a leisure day compared to Geirangerfjord. We signed up for this 'Queen of the fjords'' tour, which is purely sightseeing by bus and boat. Nothing strenous this time...yea....The scenery was so nice and soothing that it making me sleepy. Actually fell asleep on the bus and was surprised to see most of the angmoh elderly folks also sleeping. Everything looks so nice and beautiful in Norway. The weather is nice, the scenery is beautiful, and almost everyone in Norway are blond, tall, slim and good looking. Seriously, God is unfair. Why does he made some people look like angels while others look like trolls?! I am beginning to understand how the trolls in Norway come about. They are actually people from another part of the earth and since in those olden days, Norwegian people have no ideas who they are, they just referred them as trolls. Haha......

The tour started with the bus ride out of Bergen and then we boarded this ship shown above. No, we din get out of the bus at all. The entire bus was inside that ship, together with a few other cars. This is like a transport vehicle to transfer people with their vehicles from one side of the shore to another.
Hubby posing at the head of the ship. The whole head of the ship moved up and just opened up like a jaw and swallowed up the buses and cars driving in. Then it closed its mouth like a jaw and sail off...very interesting.
There's even a cafe and washrooms inside.
when we reached the other side of the shore, the backside of the ship will opened up like what the front of the ship did before, and spit us all out's so fun...hahah
Visiting a wooden traditional stave church. It's no longer in use but used as a tourist attraction. Smell musty and old inside.
Lunch buffet at this Hardangerfjord Hotel. I finally tasted Norwegian smoked salmon! It's really different from those other smoked salmon I had eaten before. It's not as salty or slimy as the usual smoked salmon and had no fishy smell at all. Yum!
The hotel is situated right next to the fjord. Hubby posing at the hotel's backyard. We got about an hr of free time after lunch to wander around before boarding the bus.
Next stop at a waterfall.
Ice cream break
The ice cream cost about 25 NOK, about $5 USD.
Things are very expensive in Norway. Basically, you can't get anything to eat without at least $20 for a meal. All the magnets I found cost at least between $8-12 USD minimum. Even for those cheap looking magnets which I usually get for $2-4 USD. A simple souvenir tee short cost at least $30 USD. Thats about the same price as what i paid for a Abercrombie and Fitch tee in US (at normal retail price)

Constantly feeling drowsy and sleepy on this trip. Wonder why I always feel so sleepy and drowsy when I am on a cruise. Maybe there's something in the food or it's the motion of the ship?? Also, Norway had this lullaby effect on me, maybe becoz everything seemed so quiet, tranquil and least I dun have to be on the alert for bears trying to eat me. Seemed like they were all killed by the Vikings long ago.

Dinner at Lido buffet. Its about 6-7pm and its still so bright outside. Eating light to save my stomach for the indonesian theme midnight snack at 11pm. Think I preferred Royal Carribean's buffet as its self serviced and had more varieties. Buffets are supposed to be self serviced, that's why it's called buffet!

Bye bye Bergen, next stop - Eidifjord


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