Wednesday 22 August 2012

Day 4- Geirangerfjord, Norway

Arrived at Geirangerfjord early in the morning at about 7am. The whole place looked misty and dream like.
It's so magical looking that I thought I was in some fairyland.
Drinking my orange juice and looking groggy with sleep....
Off to the kayaking tour that we signed up.
All dressed and ready to row....
Off we go, the water was very cold.....can't even see the top of the mountains as the cloud hung low and thick. It's a good thing we din sign up for the tour which brings you to the mountain top coz there is nothing to see except for a white blanket of clouds below.
There were several kayaks besides us also taking the tour but somehow we always ended up being the last. Man, we really sucks at this!
Arghhhh....I gave up!
Everyone had already reached the final point where the guide is explaining something about the place which we missed out since we were still to far away to hear anything.
When we finally reached there, the talk was over and everyone was getting ready to kayak back the same way we came. WTH!!!
Arms almost drop off from kayaking for a distance from about Harbourfront to Sentosa back and from twice!
Ended up being towed back by the guide's kayak coz we are the slowest pair, worse than elderly folks and a single mom with her 5 years old daughter....But thanks to that, we ended up from last to the first group to reach the land.

I was like, 'WTH!? If I had known I need to kayak at least 10km, I would never sign up'. Plus what the hell is wrong with these elderly people?! Are they are bionic human with superhuman strengths!!? It was like pure physical arm training torture session at $180 USD for me.

Although Geiranger was listed as a world heritage site for its beautiful fjords, I have no mood to appreciate the scenery as I was too busy kayaking. What a waste....and also my entire jeans was soak. Feeling miserable with a cold wet bottom, I can't wait to get back to the ship.

Something to cheer myself after an exhausting day with a fruit tart, chocolate puff and a strawberry cheesecake.

Ended up feeling feverish with very bad muscle pains in my arms. I have no appetite to eat anything after that coz I can't even hold the spoon or fork in my hand without shaking.


By the time, the ship departs from Geiranger at 5pm, the clouds had lifted and I can finally see the mountain tops.

A mountain farm in the distance.
This is the famous seven sisters fall in Norway
Bye bye, Geirangerfjord.



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