Sunday 8 January 2012

Family outing at Ramat Gan

Yesterday was shabbath and we decided to take Poochi to Ramat Gan. It was a huge park about 10 mins drive from my house and it was a very nice huge place with a big pond and many people BBQing, having picnics, walking their dogs and exercising.
 Hubby with Poochi near the pond. Silly pooch was scared of going near water.
 Saw this family of duckies swimming in the pond. Mama duck and Papa duck were teaching the little duckies how to swim. Can hear the adult ducks barking orders at the little ones, so cute!
 Feel so tempted to touch the little duckies, but they all swim away whenever someone approached.
 Also spotted this beautiful pair of swans swimming in the pond, one black swan and one white swan, wondered if they were a pair?
 Kids throwing small pieces of bread into the pond for the duckies.
 The weather was cool and nice for a outdoor walk.
 Guess Poochi was very happy. We even met another couple walking a pug and a German Shepherd. Their pug was so tiny compared to mine. So far, I havent seen another pug that is bigger than Poochi yet. Think I might have the biggest pug....
 Spotted this mandarin duck standing near the edge of the pond, deep in thought....
 Surprised to see a train passed by suddenly.
We even saw a guy galloping on a horse but he was too fast for me to take any pics.
 Another pair of mandarin ducks swimming near the pond. Next time, I must remember to bring some bread to feed the ducks! The smell of BBQ was in the air, makes me hungry smelling it. Luckily, I brought some bananas and we sat near the pond eating it.
Think Poochi had a good workout session today coz when he reached home, he slept immediately after eating his dinner and spent most of the night lazing on his bed, too tired to come out to the living room to 'kaypo' us as usual. Guess we now have a new place to hang out every shabbath. Next weekend, we will bring the BBQ pit or a picnic basket here and just spent time enjoying the scenery and the nice weather together with Poochi :) Cant wait for next weekend!

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