Sunday 8 January 2012

Ah Teck's Birthday

Happy Birthday, Ah Teck!
Our dear Ah Teck turned 33 this year. Hope he can get a gf soon! I tried making a chocolate birthday cake for the occasion. Turned out to be ok, although it doesnt look very beautiful....haha

It was a double layered chocolate cake with whipped cream and cut strawberries in the middle layer and coated on the outside with chocolate fudge and crushed almonds. The cake turned out to be smaller than expected due to an unfortunate accident where I spilled half the cake mixture onto the floor just before I put it into the oven to bake...Arghh....Luckily, I still have the other half of the cake mixture still in another container.
The chocolate cake turned out to be quite soft and moist compared to my first attempt, which tasted more like chocolate brownie instead.
After singing happy birthday and cutting the cake, we had dinner at IDI, famous for their grilled fish. However, since hubby and I had grilled fish last week at IDI already, we decided to try something different, the seafood paella.
Regretted ordering this coz the crab meat were mushy like mashed potatoes and the seafood were very overcooked. There were no rice in it at all, guess they replaced it with potatoes. Conclusion, the only seafood worth eating at IDI was the whole fish!

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