Tuesday 12 June 2012

Summer tales....

Been busy reading ghost stories by Mary Downing Hahn recently. There's nothing better than reading a ghost story on a hot summer night because of the chill down my spine, haha... A natural way to keep myself cool. Anyway, besides the ghostly content (which is actually not scary at all to me), I like the writer's style of writing coz it keeps me entranced in reading till the end.

One of the more scary and sad story by Mary Downing Hahn.

Latest book I read.

This is not much of a ghost story, more like a historical civil war story. Definitely my least fave among all her books, as it took me quite some time to finish reading it. Guess she should just stick to writing ghostly tales.

Something different from the rest as this was about vampires instead of ghost with unfinished business. Interesting.

A typical classical ghost story by the writer.

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