Monday 11 June 2012

I hate summer!

This will be my second and last summer spent in Israel. I hate summer most of all. Being from Singapore, I should be used to it but I still hate the hot, humid feeling. Even Poochi is finding it hot coz he keeps laying on his back and trying to cool his belly towards the fan. When the weather was cold, I still find it okay living here but now, I'm just counting down to going back home. Plus, my kiasu gay landlord kept bringing people over to see the house (coz they wana sell it ) so it's become v disruptive with strangers coming and see the place I lived in, sometimes walking around with their shoes. Hey, there's still 5 more miserable months to go before we moved out. I felt like I'm living in a showroom with people looking through the glass at me, totally no privacy at all. Nothing beats living in your OWN house!

Looking forward to the Norway/Amsterdam trip in August. Taking a break from the heat and go somewhere cooler. Yes!! Looking forward to it! Haha.....

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