Wednesday 13 June 2012

Hello kitty Macdonalds Plushies

When I saw that Macdonalds in SG is having this promotion, I immediately let out a [SILENT SCREAM!] Arggghhhhhhh......!!! it's silent, coz i stuffed the blanket into my mouth and let out a agonising scream into my pillow so that nobody actually hears me or else my neighbors will think somebody must have been murdered in my house and called the police or something. I missed eating Macdonalds (it's my therapy food) and plus now there are these cute adorable plushies to collect....sighz.....and it's like tempting me and taunting me while I am stuck here in this Super Sianz Boringest place on Earth with Super yucky sianz food. There are also Macdonalds here but it's kosher style and believe me, its doesn't taste like the good old Macodnalds at all. Basically, I havent had any fast food therapy here (no KFC, LJS, Burger King or Moss Burger etc) at all for months except when I flew out of this country. So, most likely people will guess that I must have lost weight since no junk food to eat, everyday just eat v healthy home cooked meals which are mainly vegetables. But NNOooo.....i din even lost weight at fact, I am still 51.7kg. Interestingly, when I told people that I am about 50kg, they gave me this jaw dropping expression like, 'r u kidding me!?' look on their face coz they thought I looked like I weight about 43kg. Then they probably try to console me or try to find a logical explanation that my bones must be V heavy. Maybe my bone are REALLY heavy, I dunoe...I find it impossible to drop my weight back to 45-48kg which I once was. I exercised everyday burning about 200 calories on my threadmill and playing Wii active, eat basically 1.5 meal a day (dinner is vegetarian), no oily fried food, no soft drinks, no fast food, no bubbletea, no eggs even for the past 3 weeks, and I still can't lose a single weight. It's CRAZY! ILLOGICAL! Which means the only way left for me to lose weight is to starve myself totally and not eat a single thing and die slowly of just makes no sense. Given my very Zen and healthy eating lifestyle here and I still can't drop any weights, I bet one week after I went back to SG, I will surely put on 10-20kg in a blink of an eye and start rolling around like a ball and nobody will even recognize me!! Hahaha......oh dear....think I am going crazy soon. It's 4 more months to go! Must persevere....

Kiasu gay landlords coming over tomorrow with a real estate agent (coz they finally gave up on trying to sell the house on their own and decided to engage professional help) and some people to look at the house...sianz......*_*

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