Monday 30 April 2012

My Jordan experience- Wadi Rum

The middle east is not as bad as I thought after a trip to Jordan recently. I enjoyed the 2D/1N tour of Jordan, and spending a night in Bedouin Camp site. Jordanian people are warm and friendly and things are cheap. Regretted not spending enough time there as I did not get the chance to visit Anman and Aquaba. Well, can't be help as we were a large group together and quite hard to coordinate. There were a total of 8 people, including me who went for this Jordan trip.

My fave part of the tour was at Wadi Rum, the desert jeep tour.

It was fun riding on the back of the pick up with the wind blasting in my face while racing through the desert.

I think me and uncle Simon were the ones who enjoyed ourselves the most. He seem like a totally different person suddenly. Guess this place can really change a person. Anyway, we were the only ones who bought the headgear, called mendeel. ( besides the American couple in our tour).

I'm glad hubby tried to climb this ( the last climb before heading back) coz he had height phobia.

Our lunch in the outdoor desert. What an experience! It was cooked on the spot using the woods we gathered for BBQ fire. The vegetables were also cut and prepared on the spot. The chicken marinated by Mohammed was awesome. Besides being an agile climber, he is also a good chef.

Our guide, Mohammed was really fun and nice. He seemed so full of life and smiles and I had a great time scaling the rocks and cliffs together with him. It was scary but so fun and thrilling! We climbed on top of arches, scaled a high sand dune and even a sheer vertical cliff wall, things that I never imagine myself doing. I had never taken rock climbing lessons before but I guess I got a knack for climbing as I actually climb more than the guys in my group. Haha...! Maybe because I have no fear in me or simply I just dun care. The feeling was liberating and thrilling and I felt much more alive than I can remember. I felt sad and close to tears when the day ended and I had to go back to my 'Prison' life in Israel.


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