Thursday 19 April 2012

Holocaust Remembrance Day 2012

Today, the 19th of April is Holocaust Remembrance Day also known as Yom Hashoah in Israel. Woken up by the sound of sirens at about 10am lasting a few mins. During this time, people are supposed to stop whatever they are doing and stand at attention and cars are also supposed to stop even at highway and the whole country is supposed to come to a standstill during this time to pay tribute to the victims of the Holocaust.

All tv shows, even on my cable tv will only be aired programs or documentaries about WW2 and the Holocaust. No comedies or any entertainment shows are allowed to be shown. During this day, all cinemas, pubs and public entertainment places ( I believe all shopping malls) are closed. The flag is also hung at half mast.

I had visited the Holocaust Museum here before. It's a place I never wanted to visit again coz I believe one traumatic experience is enough for me and had no wish to revisit such horror again. I can't imagine how the Jews felt about this, remembering these horrors done to their race year after year, something like making the people in SG remembering the atrocities done by the Jap occupation every year, reminding us never to forgot the sufferings they had done to us. However, there are no such thing in SG. I guess people simply dun like to be reminded of those unpleasant past.



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