Tuesday 31 July 2012

Homemade bubble tea

There is nothing more satisfying than a cup of bubble tea with pearls on a hot summer day. My craving for it finally drove me to make some myself.
Basic ingredients are, 1 packet of Nagasaki honey milk green tea. This instant drink taste really nice and the honey taste is strong. Dissolve in some hot water.

Pearls bought from a supermarket in US. I dun think it is available here in Israel. People here dun drink bubble tea, coz I never saw it being sold in any of the restaurants nor have I ever seen anyone drinking it.

After boiling the pearls and mixing it with some honey or sugar syrup, this is how it finally looks like. Chewy....yum yum....

And last but not least, my martini shaker. Add ice cubes, the honey milk tea and shake shake shake.....

Voila! The good old honey milk tea is done! Managed to keep the fat straw when I was in the states drinking bubble tea coz I knew it will come in handy..haha :)



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