Tuesday 13 December 2011

My first crepe

Decided to make strawberries and cream crepe today using the frozen crepe that I bought recently.
 The picture in the package looked so nice and tempting, and I had a sudden craving for crepe.

 Eveything is in Hebrew, not a single word of English to be found. But I guess you either heat it in a microwave, in an oven or cook in a pan, one of these 3 methods had to be the correct one, right? As for the timing, just have to trial and error, no choice.... *_*

The instructions written right in front of me, but couldnt understand a word of it. Its so frustrating~!

At first, I tried heating it in a pan, thot it will be similar to cooking roti prata....end up....failure! The crepe turned into a biscuit. So, I tried heating it in a microwave.....it works! But had to adjust the timing again so that the crepe turned out softer. Violia! Finally figured it out :) 
 Added some strawberries and whipped cream and then wrapped it together, with some chocolate sauce drizzled on top. My first crepe is done!
It tasted real nice as the crepe is soft and chewy although it looked kindda pale and not exactly like the colour as the crepe in the packaging. Oh well, what matters is that it taste good :D

 Made a zipped pouch wristlet from newspaper print linen fabric recently.  I like the newspaper print very much and managed to find a matching coloured zip for it.
 Interior of the pouch

Received my ebay purchase yesterday at last! Bought this Freshel moist lift cream from a Taiwan seller CT Taiwan. I actually bought a lot of stuffs from this seller as he/she ships to Israel, unlike SO MANY other sellers and the price is quite reasonable also. Right after I received this, I placed another order for a Shiseido Aqua Label White Up Toner 200ml  from this seller again. Cost $23 USD plus shipping, which I find quite reasonable. Only cons is that I have to wait for almost 3 weeks before I can get it....well....better than nothing.

Been sick again with cough and flu~ :( This is a milder case after the super severe flu I had in the States 1.5 mths ago. Dunoe why I keep getting sick nowadays, maybe the weather is getting colder and colder each day or maybe my health is getting worse as I get older. Just feel tired easily and always feeling slight feverish. Hubby had been urging me to go see a doctor here but its hard to explain to the doctor through sign language and broken pieces of English and Hebrew. Its just too ridiculous.... *_*

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