Saturday 22 September 2012

Counting down....2 more days to go!

2 more days to my first home trip since coming here to Israel about 2 years ago. Time sure flies....

Already making a list of must eat food, like the Lao ban duo hua from old airport road, Hokkien mee, you tau foo, Nyonya rice dumplings, chili crabs, that can't be found anywhere else in this world except in SG, which i finally come to understand why this tiny island is also known as Uniquely Singapore. Mouth salivating just thinking about these food, *drool*....I am so badly missing the food man!

Most of all, I miss my cozy little home at Compassvale Link. There is no place on earth sweeter than your OWN house after all. I am starting to miss those little conveniences ( which I used to take for granted), like the 24 hrs NTUC, kopitiam, a clinic, MRT etc etc...all so conveniently located at my house downstairs. Heard that a fast food restaurant, Wendy's had also opened while we were away. Wonderful!

Yah...I am very looking forward to going's time....enough already.....I'm the end of the day, I just wana go home.

Friday 21 September 2012

I discover Instagram....


Think I must be the last 'sua ku' person on earth to discover what is Instagram. I'm glad I bother to take the time to find out what it is coz its really fun! Happily playing with my pics now.... :)


Sunday 16 September 2012

Rosh Hashanah 2012

Today, after sundown is the start of Rosh Hashanah which is the Jewish holiday. Its a 2 days holiday here. I think everywhere is closed, so there's nowhere to go anyway. JW and the newbies ( who came to replace Ah Teck and WZ ) were in Barcelona/Rome now. Since we already went there this year, we din join them for the trip. I can't remember what I did last year during this time but this will be my last Rosh Hashanah in Israel. Yeah......looking forward to coming back home! Due to some changes in hubby's overseas posting policy, he and I are now entitled to 4 home trips back to SG starting this month. This is like good news at such bad timing right....especially when we are going back officially next month. Arghhh!!! Plus, spouse's hardship allowance has increased to almost double starting now. Arrrghhhhhhhhhh!!!

Anyway, we decided to take one of the free trips back next week, stayed in SG for 4 days and then flew back here on 1 Nov to finish up the packing. The packing up is SUCH a hassle.....and nightmare. This is my third time packing up boxes for shipment to another country. I'm very tired of moving house. Its very stressful but luckily for the first time, hubby has time to help me with the packing. I'm glad he finally realized what a back-breaking task it is.

Noticed that people here eat dinner very late, about 9-10pm, which was when I heard a lot of clinking of glasses, chattering etc coming from my neighbors. Weather is becoming more cooler now and we dun need to switch on the air con at night anymore. Hopefully, it wont be so noisy tonight so at least I can get some sleep.

2.15am- woah sianz.....some looney bins singing and shouting near my house. These people here really dun sleep at night wan....