Tuesday 7 February 2012

Idol fever~


After watching 'BuBu Jing Xin', I became addicted to Nicky Wu. He was my idol in 小虎队when I was still in Primary School or Lower Secondary, I think but had forgotten about him until now. OMG, he still looks as good as before! If you are damn good looking, even if you are 'botak', you still look good ok. I thought I had passed the stage of idols worshipping, but I guess life is always unpredictable. Or maybe I was always so busy with my life all the while but now that I am free and bored to death in this country, I finally got the time to 'kaypo' someone else's life. So, yupz...I have been very busy recently watching the films and TV dramas that he had acted in, and finding all those old songs that were sang by him, such as 祝你一路顺风, 追风少年, 双飞, etc and all those classic 小虎队精选集 songs. Brought back a lot of those old memories. I'm a eighties(1980s) era baby so to me, those were the golden days. If I can chose to live in a certain era, I would definitely wana go back to the 1980s period, where people still write letters by hand to each other and sent by post instead of email or msn nowadays, and where my friends and I played hopscotch, zero-point or five stones together in person instead of interacting with people through facebook. I get very skeptical of talking with people online coz I dunoe whether they really meant what they said and sometimes, it can caused a lot of misunderstandings....
Well, back to Nicky Wu. Here's a video done by his fans for his last birthday. He's 41 but dun look like it. He had 3 black belts in Judo and 5 black belts in Taekwondo and had always wanted to become an athlete but ended up being a superstar. Well, if you are born with such a good looking face, it will be a waste to become an athlete. After paying off his father's debt for 12 years, (hmm....quite a fillial son), he married a mainland actress but got divorced after 2 years. Well, I think not everyone is suited to get married. If you can only see your spouse 3-4 times a year due to ur hectic working schedule, the marriage is not going to work. Besides, as he is such a well known public figure, he dun belong to just one person only. For me, I think being married does not neccessarily mean living happily ever after coz life is not a fairy tale after all. 
Enjoy~! I like the song, sung by SHE.

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