Wednesday 17 October 2012

Home sweet last!

Bye bye to Israel forever! I'm finally back home in SG for good! Can't stop saying," it's good to be back..." for the past few days since I've been back. Btw, Turkish airline sucks! Wonder how the heck they got voted best airline in Europe for 2010 and 2011? They lost one of my luggages and guess where it finally turned up after 4-5 days later? In Mumbai, India! How the heck did it get to india?? I got a feeling that it must have gotten mixed up in Istanbul where we were in transit. Luckily, there weren't any important stuffs inside that luggage and its the luggage that went missing instead of my dog. Poochi is doing fine and is 'serving time' in the quarantine center. Oh well, now it's his turn to be the jailbird.

The last few days before the move was hellish....dun even felt like thinking back about it. Just wana erase those 2 years away from my memory. Right now, I'm enjoying life in SG, busy eating (put on a few kg), appreciating the conveniences of lives in SG which i used to take for granted, spending time with my families and simply enjoying being in my own cozy house. Thus, this concludes my blog for melancholic gal in Israel, which is my first ever blog. Maybe I might start another blog about life back in SG, I dunoe...right now, I'm just taking life one step at a time. The past is history, the future is a mystery but the present(gift) is right now. So, right now the present is also known as a gift and I'm enjoying the present and not worrying about the future for at least till after Xmas. Bye!


Tuesday 2 October 2012

Sukkot 2012

Yesterday was the start of Sukkot, a 7 days biblical holidays observed by Jews, also known as Feast of Booths or Feast of Tabernacles. During this day, Jews are supposed to make a pilgrimage to the Temple of Jerusalem and also built Sukkah (booths or tents like structures made from leaves or twigs) in remembrance of the fragil dwellings that the Israelites lived in during the 40 years of travel in the desert after Exodus from slavery in Egypt. They are supposed to eat and sleep inside these booths during Sukkot.

Above is a picture a booth or tent-like structure taken from the balcony in my neighborhood. It feels like camping to me....hehee....

Anyway, I was back from SG yesterday. It was good to be back home and the four days flew past very quickly. Managed to eat my good old chwee kway, Nyonya rice dumplings, Thai express, gong cha (for the first time), fish porridge, soya bean pudding much to eat but only one stomach. Surprisingly, we din gain much weight becoz we've been 'LS' (diarrhoea) the past few days maybe not used to the food back home.

Our last food eaten in SG at changi Airport T1, soya bean milk with grass jelly and Mr & Mrs Happy donuts from Dunkin Donuts.

10 more days to go in Israel before I go back home in SG for good!