Sunday 4 March 2012

Its raining ice sago!

Recently, we went to experience some snow together with Poochi. Since the weather had been so cold, it  actually snowed in Jerusalem (seem that its quite a big deal to snow in the holy city) but we din go as it was too crowded, so we went to a high point close to Jerusalem to experience the snow.

Scenic view on top of the hill

It was freezing cold at about 3-4 degree celsuis outside. My hands were so cold that it turned red and numb coz I forgot to wear gloves. At first Poochi was fine but after 4-5 mins outside, he started walking very slowly and looked v miserable. Guess he cant take the extreme cold, as he is a indoor doggy afterall.

 Poochi wearing his blue waterproof windbreaker
Hubby with Poochi

Further up the hill was the air force monument.

When I thought there were no snow to be found, it suddenly rained and guess what, tiny drops of white ice started falling. It actually hurts a bit when it landed on my face. Yeah! :D
 Managed to gathered the ice together and formed a ice ball!
Snow started forming on the ground
Little ice balls dropping on the car hood, it melts as soon as it landed.
 Poor Poochi was shivering uncontrollably so we din dared to bring him out to play with the snow. He cant survive at temperature below 10 degrees celsuis.

 The ice started piling up on the car as the rain got bigger.
Hubby with shivering Poochi.

It got very misty suddenly.
Next, we went to this Ayalon-Canada Park nearby to take some pics of the almond tree flowers. It looked a lot like cherry blossoms.
Close-up pic of the flower
Right after taking this pic, it started raining heavily, so we decided to call it a day as we were cold, wet and shivering....

Thursday 1 March 2012

Cold rainy days...

It had been rainy non-stop these past few days and temperatures has been dropping below 10 degrees. Yesterday was like a typhoon, the winds were so strong, it was like someone was trying to break through the windows. So cold....and gloomy....haven stepped out of the house for days due to the bad weather. Luckily, the heater in the house had been fixed otherwise, I would be frozen dead.

 2 kitchen mitts, slightly differently from each other by the ribbons used.
 Decorated with ric racs, lace, buttons and ribbons

Managed to finally complete my oven mitts project. Took me over a few months to complete it coz been busy and distracted with other stuffs.Overall, I'm quite happy with it :) Currently working on a panda bear luggage tag, hope it turns out well...haha...

 Its finally March! Will be going for my US trip end of this month, YEAH~! But I havent finish planning the itinerary yet....sighz....hope this will be a smooth trip and PLS dun let me fall sick.  This time round, we will be spending time in New York, Philadelphia, Great Smokey Mountain NP and Mammoth Cave NP,so will be exploring the states of Tennessee and Kentucky. Frankly speaking, I really dun have much thing in mind that I wanted to get, except iPad3. Hope I will be able to get it when I go to the States *PRAY* As usual, Hubby had a lot of things to buy, US is like his shopping paradise. Basically, guys who dun normally like to shop, will go crazy shopping in US.

 Latest pic of Poochi. He enjoys knocking over the 2 plushies with his butt under the Xmas tree everyday. Oh yah, its March and the Xmas tree is STILL in the living room. He looked a bit more brown, maybe becoz he haven bath for a month? Luckily, thanks to the cold dry weather now, he doesnt stink as he does back in SG where he needs a bath every week for smelling like a stinkbomb. I love Poochi the most during winter coz he is like a living hot water bottle, keeping my hands and feet toasty warm...hehee....